Township Offices

Office Hours: The Jackson Township Office follows the Will County legal holiday schedule and will be closed on New Years Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Lincoln’s Birthday, Washington’s Birthday, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans’ Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day following Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.
Board Meetings: The regular scheduled town board meetings for Jackson Township are held at 6:30 pm on the second Wednesday of each month. Meetings are held in the Jackson Township Hall located at 100 Mississippi Ave. Elwood, IL. Citizens are encouraged to attend.
Agendas: To be placed on the agenda, please contact Katie Hunt, Jackson Township Clerk at 815-423-5771.
Meeting Minutes: Minutes are available from the Township Clerk once approved by the Township Board.
Your Government Officials:
Matt Robbins, Supervisor
Matthew Walsh, Highway Commissioner
Kathryn Hunt, Clerk
Delilah LeGrett, Assessor
Norm Fanning, Trustee – A resident of Jackson Township for over 50 years; served as Trustee for over 25 years; on the Jackson Township Fire Protection Dist. Board for 30 years; retired from Caterpillar Tractor after 30 years of service; member of 1AM Local Lodge #851; elder at Elwood Community Church.
Michele Hallihan, Trustee – Is a resident of Jackson Township for almost 30 years. Married to Shad and mother of 2. Graduate of Governors State and Olivet University. Former Manhattan-Elwood Public Library Trustee. Teacher and librarian for Manhattan School District #114 since 1997. Member of the AFT Local #604.
Jake Fanning, Trustee – Resident of Jackson Township for more than 30 years. Married to wife, Jen. Graduate of University of Illinois at Chicago in Electrical engineering. Former Elwood Planning and Zoning Commissioner.
Coley O’Connell, Trustee – Jackson Township resident for over 40 years; married to wife, Sarah, has 1 daughter; graduate of Joliet Junior College and Illinois State University; teacher for over 20 years at Lincoln-Way High School District #210 as a teacher of at-risk students.