General assistance programs are in place to provide aid to our township residents. These programs are in place to help people meet their basic living requirements when they do not qualify for any other form of public benefit. Rules for General Assistance programs depend on where you live, and vary between local townships and county governments.

If you are in need of general assistance and are a resident of Jackson Township, there are a few ways to apply. Click the link below to download and print, or you can call ahead to the town hall building for a copy. Return your application to the attention of the General Assistance Officer at the Town Hall Building; there is a document drop box at the northeast corner of the building (to the left of the front entrance on Mississippi Ave.)
General Assistance Application
Additional Resources can be found by contacting:
Will County Center for Community Concerns
(815) 722-0722
Catholic Charities
(815) 723-3405
Salvation Army
(815) 726-4834
LIHEAP Energy Assistance Program