You will find the most common exemptions below. The exemption applications are not maintained by the local government of Jackson Township, but instead are federal forms provided to us from the Will County Supervisor of Assessments. Forms are typically updated annually, with new versions available in the second quarter of the year. Please take note of revision dates within the document(s). You can review all forms on the SOA website at https://www.willcountysoa.com/section/Forms
The Residential Exemption is available to any homeowners who own and occupy the property as their primary residence as of January 1st of the taxing year.
In most cases the Residential Exemption is automatically applied to residential properties. To see if you are already receiving this exemption, look on your most recent Tax Bill.
The Senior Homestead Exemption is available to all taxpayers who own and occupy as their primary residence and who have reached of 65. This exemption is for $5,000 of the Assessed Value.
This application requires proof of age & proof of ownership. Homeowners can
apply for this exemption at our office, or to county office in person or by mail.
The Senior Assessment Freeze is available to any homeowner who has qualified for the Senior Homestead Exemption, has lived in the home for 2 consecutive January 1st and has a total household income of $65,000 or less for the previous year. The application MUST be field each year.
This application requires:
If you file a US Federal Income Tax, for all residence of home
If you don’t file Federal Taxes
Social Security 1099
Any end of the year statements for any other income you receive. Example would be Pension and Interest or Dividends
This exemption Freezes the Assessed Value, not the taxes. Homeowners can apply for this exemption at our office. Watch the events calendar for when Will County will hold the Senior Freeze Event in Jackson Township!
Must be primary residence, owner of record and a medically determinable physical or mental impairment that is expect to last for a continuous period of not less than 12 months. Applicants will be need to provide one of the following:
A class 2 Illinois Disabled Person Identification Card
Proof of Social Security Administration Disability benefits award letter, verification letter, or annual cost of living adjustment.
Proof of Veterans Administration disability benefits
Proof of Railroad or Civil Service disability benefits
If none of the previous items can’t be provided there is a Physician’s Statement for Proof of Disability that will need to be completed by your physician.
This exemption is for 2,000 of the Assessed Value.
Any Veteran with a service-related disability of at least 30% certified by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Applicants will need to provide the following:
A copy of their DD214 that has been certified,
Disability Certification letter from the U.S. Department of Veterans’ Affairs for the current assessment year.
An unmarried surviving spouse may also qualify for this exemption. The home must be owner-occupied and the value cannot be more than $750,000.